My name is Sonya Adams my baby is Ariyah Nekole Adams born 11/6/2015, she is truly my miracle baby. I was told I would never be able to get pregnant I constantly went to the doctor with cyst bursting masses on my ovaries etc. I had completely given up on having kids then at the age of 33 I went to the Dr. To see if the mass I had before had decreased increased or what exactly it was I was thinking cancer! But to my surprise I was 4months pregnant with my little girl. Her name comes from the male name Aryen in the Old Testament which means “Lion of God” she is truly a strong spirit born 6 days after my birthday I know she is an old spirit she is almost 11months and sings while she eats,talks all day long,& she’s a healthy active baby I am so thankful because I know that no one but the Lord blessed me with this little busy body & I am forever grateful that he trusted me to be her mommy