I struggle writing this caption because it brings tears to my eyes this morning that you are now 3 years old. People always say, ‘time flies’. They weren’t lying when they said that. You’ve shown me so much of you these last three years and you amaze me with how smart you are. You’re caring and so loving and just the sweetest little girl. You light up a room with your smile and aren’t afraid of being too comfortably friendly, lol.. but yet you attract everyone who’s around you so easily because of your positive energy.

I love how you wake up every morning and give me a great warm hug and say, “I love you mommy” and then kiss me.. then your daddy and then your baby sister. I love watching you sing and dance and I’m in awe that you can hear a song one time and get all the lyrics down. People say, ‘wow! She’ll be a singer, just like her mama..” God I hope that’s true.. because I see so much of me in you..
The knowledge that those big beautiful eyes will see worlds that I haven’t seen makes it a bit sad. Three years old is a big year, Siena. Pre-school is right around the corner and I am horribly anxious and terrified at the thought of it. Your dad and I kept you close since you were born and I fear letting go. I want your small hand to fit my hand forever…I wish I can control time..
Everyday you get stronger and stronger, you’re independent as ever. Everything you do is with little guidance.. “I want to do it mommy.. I know how.. no mommy; I got it…” you even want to buckle your own seatbelt nowadays. I love your persistence and your ability to fight for what you want and you Never give up, ever.
As you grow, I plan to be the vision of strength that you need me to be. I owe that to you. You’ve always inspired me to be what I needed ME to be. Strong, fearless, courageous, determined and a go-getter. If I’ve ever been proud of who I am and all that I am, it’s because of you.. when I look at you and see all that you are, I know I can humbly say that it makes me feel good to know that I did something right.
Happy Birthday baby, you will always be mommy’s little girl. ✨🎂🎉💕