Bringing a new baby into the world is always cause for celebration and excitement. Soon-to-be parents are often overjoyed to welcome their baby into their family and introduce them to their friends and loved ones. But, nowadays, we just can’t seem to want to wait the whole nine months for this introduction. Parents and relatives alike are impatient to find out the gender of the baby so that they can start planning the baby’s name, pick out the colors for their nursery, and buy toys. But this is not a new fad. Pregnant women have wished to know what they are having for centuries, and they have tested out different theories to find out the answer. Before the advancement of science gave us accurate predictions, there were myths and old wives’ tales to help soon-to-be parents guess their baby’s sex.
So, what are these unusual myths and is there any truth to them? Let’s find out.
1. Myth: The Gender Of The Baby Affects The Amount Of Hair Growth On The Mother’s Legs

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Sometimes people come up with the most unfounded and whimsical ways of determining the sex of a baby, and this is definitely one of them. After all, what does your hair growth have to do with babies? To be fair, pregnancy does give way for many hormonal shifts in the body, and sometimes this causes hair loss in expecting mothers. But this may happen irrespective of the sex of the baby. However, old sayings state that having a boy will result in your leg hair growing rapidly, while having a girl would not. There is no truth to this theory as the fetus does not produce enough hormones to influence a mother’s hair growth in any way.
2. Myth: The Color Of Your Urine Can Predict The Sex Of Your Baby
This is another strange myth that has been passed down from generation to generation. We don’t know why either. Apparently dull-colored urine means you are having a girl, whereas bright-colored urine means it is a boy. This is simply not true. The color of your urine is dependent on many factors, such as, the mother’s degree of hydration, food choices, and the overall functioning of her kidneys. So, no, checking the color your urine every time you go to the washroom is not going to get you any closer to discovering the sex of your child. So, save yourself the time and flush this method down the toilet.
3. Myth: The Baking Soda

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Clearly our ancestors were fascinated by the prospect of using urine to determine the sex of a baby. The baking soda test seeks to assess the acidity of your urine in order to figure out the gender of your baby. It is relatively simple. You mix your urine with baking soda and if it fizzles or bubbles, you are having a boy. And if there is no reaction at all, it is a girl. However, the acidity level of your urine has nothing to do with the gender of your fetus. Instead, it is affected by numerous other factors like your diet, the amount of physical activity you engage in, and the amount of water you drink. This method cannot be backed by science as there is no evidence stating that the pH level of urine can change according to the sex of the baby.
4. Myth: Pregnancy Cravings Are An Indication Of Your Baby’s Sex

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All women have pregnancy cravings, and all of them are different. Some of these cravings may be a little bizarre and outside the box, but hey, you deserve to try them all out. Some people speculate that women who crave a lot of sour and salty foods, like pickles, may be pregnant with boys, whereas those who crave sweet foods like donuts are pregnant with girls. However, there is no evidence that links food cravings with the sex of a baby. Besides, who wouldn’t want to eat a box full of donuts at any given time?
5. Myth: The Ring Test
This one is just for kicks. Hold a ring hanging from a string right over your pregnant belly. If it moves in a circle, congratulations! You are having a boy! And if it moves from side to side, it is a girl! Obviously this lore is not to be taken seriously, but just something to have fun with.
6. Myth: Your Baby’s Heartbeat Determines Their Gender

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Some people believe that male fetuses have higher heart rates than female fetuses. This is not true as a fetus’s heart rate depends on its age and degree of movement. So, you cannot link heart rate to the sex of your baby.
Pregnancy can be overwhelming and filled with joy. Waiting to find out the sex of your baby might be anxiety inducing, but enjoy the speculation and the harmless, fun tests before you go for that second-trimester ultrasound. However, don’t fall prey to these home-friendly tests. And rest assured that you will have a scientifically accurate prediction soon enough.